
Terms medicinal herbs

 Terms medicinal herbs

adaptogen: a non-toxic substance which helps the body to adapt to stressful situations
while also normalizing physiology
alterative: gradually alters the body towards health, also often referred to as a blood
cleanser. Alteratives work directly through the metabolism
anodyne: pain relieving
antibacterial: effective against bacteria
anticoagulant: prevents blood from clotting, blood thinner
antidepressant: relieves depression
antifungal: effective against fungal infections
anti-inflammatory: reduces inflammation
antimicrobial: inhibits micro-organisms
antioxidant: prevents free radical or oxidative damage
antiseptic: prevents growth of microbes
antispasmodic: stops spasms
anti-tumor: inhibits growth of tumors
antiviral: inhibits growth of viruses
aphrodisiac: increases libido
aromatic digestant: promotes digestion through aromatic actions of moving energy and
relieving stagnation (promoting peristalsis, expelling gas, etc)
astringent: tightens tissues, useful for toning organs, stopping diarrhea and other
excessive fluid loss
bitter: a taste that stimulates salivation and the secretion of bile and HCL to promote
digestion of fats and oils calmative: promotes calming and relaxing
carminative: expels gas from the intestines (often an aromatic digestant)
cell proliferant: promotes cell growth
cholagogue: stimulates bile flow from the gall bladder
circulatory stimulant: promotes circulation
demulcent: internally soothing, often times a mucilaginous that coats and protects the
mucous membranes of the body
diaphoretic: a relaxing diaphoretic relaxes the exterior to allow for heat to leave the body.
a stimulating diaphoretic engages the tissues to help push the heat out.
digestant: aids digestion
diuretic: stimulates urination
emetic: promotes vomiting
emmenagogue: promotes menstruation
emollient: soothing and softening to the skin
expectorant: promotes the expulsion of mucous from the lungs
hemostatic: stops bleeding
hepatoprotective: protects the liver
hypotensive: lowers blood pressure

immunomodulator: promotes health in the immune system by modulating extremes in
hyper or hypo action
laxative: promotes bowel evacuation
lymphatic: promotes lymphatic movement; an example is reducing enlarged lymph glands
mood elevator: promotes a happier disposition
nervine: can be relaxing or stimulating. A relaxing nervine relaxes constricted or contracted
tissues in the nervous system. . A stimulating nervine stimulates stagnant or overly relaxed
tissues of the nervous system.
nutritive: contains a high amount of vitamins and minerals
sialagogue; promotes the salivary glands to secrete saliva
styptic: stops bleeding usually through astringent actions
tonic: gradually increases organ tone and is often considered invigorating
trophorestorative: a nourishing herb or food that usually has an affinity to a particular
organ or system of the body, it acts on the particular system to bring it into balance and
can also restore function
vulnerary: heals wounds

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