
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis):Lemon balm is a highly aromatic plant that is easy to grow in your garden. Like many mints it has a variety of uses and is generally safe for all ages. It also tastes wonderful, making it an easy remedy to get down picky throats.
Children seeking comfort from the pain of teething can use lemon balm as a tea or can chew on a washcloth soaked in tea.
Like many mints it is an aromatic digestant that can be used for indigestion, gas, bloating, and other digestive complaints.
Lemon balm is antiviral and a relaxing diaphoretic, making it an
ideal choice for colds and the flu, especially when accompanied by a fever. It is often combined with St. John’s Wort, both topically and internally, to relieve cold sores. Because both of these antiviral herbs are relaxing nervines they make an especially beneficial pairing for these stress-related sores. Lemon balm’s calming abilities are especially suited for tissues in an excited state such as hyperthyroidism. It is often paired with bugleweed (Lycopus spp.) and motherwort (Leonorus cardiacus) for hyperthyroid conditions with heart palpitations. Because it is often used for hyperthyroidism, some caution those with a hypothyroid from using too much of it. If you’re feeling overly stressed with a go-go-go-go mentality, a daily lemon balm infusion can help you to slow down and unwind. I like to pick lemon balm just before it flowers, which is usually when the temperatures are nice and toasty outside. Below is a simple recipe for making popsicles, which kids of all ages can enjoy.

Lemon Balm Popsicles:
• Make a tea from fresh lemon balm.
• Add honey to taste.
• Pour into popsicle molds and place a popsicle stick in the middle of each mold.
• Let freeze completely and enjoy.
• Another variation is to place the lemon balm infusion into an ice cube tray. Then carefully place a small leaf of fresh lemon balm in each ice cube section. After these are frozen you can use these fancy ice cubes
to further flavor iced tea.

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